Thursday, June 9, 2016


Electric power is the rate at which electric energy is transferred by an electric circuit. The SI unit of power is the watt, one joule per second. Electric power is usually produced by electric generators, but can also be supplied by sources such as electric batteries.
  • Distribution Systems can be defined as the sequential flow of procedures, systems, and activities which are designed and linked to facilitate and monitor the movement of goods and services from the source to the consumer.
  • Electric-power transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical energy, from generating power plants to electrical substations located near demand centers. This is distinct from the local wiring between high-voltage substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric power distribution.
Typical Power Transmission and Distribution Scenario

  • Electric power is normally generated at 11-25kV in a power station. To transmit over long distances, it is then stepped-up to 400kV, 220kV or 132kV as necessary. Power is carried through a transmission network of high voltage lines. 
  • Usually, these lines run into hundreds of kilometres and deliver the power into a common power pool called the grid. The grid is connected to load centres (cities) through a sub-transmission network of normally 33kV (or sometimes 66kV) lines. These lines terminate into a 33kV (or 66kV) substation, where the voltage is stepped-down to 11kV for power distribution to load points through a distribution network of lines at 11kV and lower.
  • At these load points, a transformer further reduces the voltage from 11kV to 415V to provide the last-mile connection through 415V feeders (also called as Low Tension (LT) feeders) to individual customers, either at 240V (as single-phase supply) or at 415V (as three-phase supply). 
  • A feeder could be either an overhead line or an underground cable. In urban areas, owing to the density of customers, the length of an 11kV feeder is generally up to 3 km. On the other hand, in rural areas, the feeder length is much larger (up to 20 km). A 415V feeder should normally be restricted to about 0.5-1.0 km. Unduly long feeders lead to low voltage at the consumer end.
The main function of an electrical power distribution system is to provide power to individual consumer premises. Distribution of electric power to different consumers is done with much low voltage level. Distribution of electric power is done by distribution networks. Distribution networks consist of following main parts.
  1. Distribution substation,
  2. Primary distribution feeder,
  3. Distribution Transformer,
  4. Distributors,
  5. Service mains.  . 




1.Radial Electrical Power Distribution System.
2.Ring Main Electrical Power Distribution System.

1.Radial Electrical Power Distribution System.

Radial Electrical Power Distribution System
  • In early days of electrical power distribution system, different feeders were radially come out from the substation and connected to the primary of distribution transformer directly.
  • But radial electrical power distribution system has one major drawback that in case of any feeder failure, the associated consumers would not get any power as there was no alternative path to feed the transformer. 
  •  In case of transformer failure also, the power supply is interrupted. In other words the consumer in the radial electrical distribution system would be in darkness until the feeder or transformer was rectified.(Ref.
2.Ring Main Electrical Power Distribution System.
  • The drawback of radial electrical power distribution system can be overcome by introducing a ring main electrical power distribution system. 
  • Here one ring network of distributors is fed by more than one feeder. In this case if one feeder is under fault or maintenance, the ring distributor is still energized by other feeders connected to it. In this way the supply to the consumers is not affected even when any feeder becomes out of service. 
  • In addition to that the ring main system is also provided with different section isolates at different suitable points.
  •  If any fault occurs on any section, of the ring, this section can easily be isolated by opening the associated section isolators on both sides of the faulty zone.
In this way, supply to the consumers connected to the healthy zone of the ring, can easily be maintained even when one section of the ring is under shutdown.
You can get futher details by watching this video lecture on Distrubution Systems by D.P. KOTHARI



1. Chief Engineer
A Corporate has all Circles under its jurisdiction.It is also an administrative office which does not
deal with consumers directly. It is headed by an Officer of the rank of Chief Engineer and
assisted by sub-ordinate officers. A Controller of Accounts is placed in the Circle office to look
after the Financial and Accounting functions of the circle
2. Superintending Engineer(SE ):
         SE has 3 to 5 Divisions under its jurisdiction. It is also an administrative office which does not deal with consumers directly. it is headed by an Officer of the rank of Superintending Engineer and assisted by subordinate officers. A Deputy Controller of Accounts is placed in the Circle(SE) office to look after the Financial and Accounting functions of the Circle.
         Division has 3 to 5 sub-divisions under its jurisdiction. It is purely an A administrative office  and does not deal with consumers directly. It is headed by an Officer of the rank of Executive Engineer and assisted by sub-ordinate officers. An Accounts Officer is also placed in the Division office to look after the Financial and Accounting functions of the Division.
        4.Deputy Engineer (Sub Division):
A Sub-division consists of 3 to 5 O&M Units and headed by an officer of the rank of Assistant Executive Engineer. He oversees the functioning of O&M Units, so as to ensure reliable distribution of power in the jurisdictional area. An Assistant Accounts Officer/Senior Assistant is placed in the Sub-division to look after the Accounting and Finance related functions. 
5.JUNIOR ENGINEER(Operational & Maintenance Unit ):
Operational & Maintenance Unit is the primary link between the consumer and the company. It is the lowest office in the hierarchy, where consumer relationship is established. It is headed by an officer of the rank of an Assistant Engineer or a Junior Engineer. 
Distribution of Power to consumers at the rates approved by Tariff Regulations.Supply at specified voltage and frequency.Maintenance of 11 KV lines, distribution of transformers and equipments to ensure reliable and quality power supply.  of infrastructure to meet the demand.Ensuring safety of Human and animal life by taking suitable actions to minimize risk of accidents.



    How do I register my no power complaint?
You can register your no power complaint by calling the Local Power Call Centre or visit near by  personally at  Technical service division office of your respective area.

        What is the role of Deputy Engineer at subdivision level?
He or she is the boss of the subdivision office ,  will attain all matter related technical, billing, revenue  issue. You can approach if you dissatisfy with lower employees response.

  Is it mandatory to apply through an Electrical Contractor?
No. It is not at all mandatory to apply through an Electrical Contractor. You may directly approach our customer care center and they will assist you in completing the necessary formalities.

What is an Installation Test Report and where can I get it? 
Installation Test Report is a certificate issued by the Licensed Electrical Contractor confirming that the installation wiring is as per specified standards.

Can we install our own meter inside our house? 
You can install your own meter inside your premises for your reference at your own expense. However billing will be calculated only on the basis of the Torrent Power meter.

How do you ensure that I have received the bill? How do I get a duplicate bill?
Bills are prepared and dispatched each month on a specific date Please ensure that your billing address is correct. Torrent Power has its own staff for the purpose of bill distribution and hence the chances of your not getting your bill are rare.

In the rare event of not receiving your bill, you may contact our customer care center and collect a duplicate bill, in person or alternatively call our helpline number 254448 and get details of your bill.

Can I add, change or delete the address? If I need to receive a bill at a place other than the one for which it is charged, can I get the bill at the other place?
For making any changes in your billing address or if your billing address is different from the site address, please submit an application at our customer care center to change your billing address, you requested to attach the proof of ownership along with application.

I have surrendered my meter. Can I get my security deposit back? 
You may do so by submitting an application for the same at our customer care center office along with the original security deposit receipt.

Under what circumstance is my connection liable to be disconnected?
If you do not pay the bill within 15 days of serving the notice, your supply will be disconnected. Reconnection will be done on payment of outstanding amount, along with reconnection charges and additional security deposit, if required.

Can we pay in excess of the bill amount?
Yes. You can definitely do so, however, do inform the cashier about the higher amount paid.

how can I calculate my monthly-bi-monthly consumption?

visit the following link click here 

My meter has burnt / is faulty, what should I do?
Please lodge a complaint under Faulty / burnt meter at our helpline number 254448. Your complaint will be registered in our system and a complaint number will be given to you. Subsequently our linesman will visit your premises and will certify the meter status and he will give you faulty meter slip accordingly. Submit this slip at our customer care center along with the necessary payment for the applicable charges.

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